Przyjemne II

About the investment

The Osiedle Przyjemne investment in Gdańsk will be located in the dynamically developing part of the city. A combination of a good location, as well as comfortable and easy-to-arrange flats will ensure full satisfaction of future residents. The vicinity of natural scenery and, at the same time, smooth access to other districts of Gdańsk are additional assets of this investment.

The second stage of the investment will include three buildings with 107 flats with varied surface areas, allowing you to adapt the space to your own needs. In addition to spacious interiors, the housing estate will offer numerous amenities such as a playground, walking areas, and closeness to educational centers and service outlets.

The architecture of the investment will be distinguished by a modern and warm character. The design of the buildings subtly harmonizes with the natural environment. Some of them will be located in a row overlooking the water reservoir. Large glass balconies will provide a view of a delightful landscape. The housing estate will border on the planned South Park (Park Południowy) –the green center of this part of the city – which will enable even closer contact with nature.

The location of the investment in Flisykowskiego Street will provide a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Closeness to walking and bicycle paths, as well as green areas will provide opportunities for active and effective relaxation.

The Osiedle Przyjemne investment will also have good links to other parts of the city. Residents can reach the nearest bus stop in just a few minutes. With easy access to the city center, the railway and the bus station, as well as to exit roads, leaving the city will be smooth and effortless.

Osiedle Przyjemne will provide a complete balance between comfortable access to other parts of the city and peaceful life surrounded by nature.

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  array(0) {
Start of construction
Q4 2023
End of construction
Q2 2026
Number of buildings
Number of apartments
Apartment area
27,85-63,24 m²
Apartment layout
1-3 pokojowe
Above ground parking spaces
Underground parking spaces
Tenant storage units
Apartment sales statistics
Pre reserved
Choose your dream apartment
29 64
min. max.
300000 700000
min. max.
ul. Flisykowskiego
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